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Kuching diary: Immobilized

by prudence on 13-Jan-2021
So today is the first day of yet another ~{link~= https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/six-districts-sarawak-placed-under-cmco-jan-1326 ~;text~=Conditional Movement Control Order~;target~=cmco~} for Kuching and a few other localities in Sarawak.

I discussed the implications of this measure ~{purplepost~=1144~;text~=the last time it happened~;target~=lastcmco~}.

(Groundhog Day... You see why I'm not intending to spend time dissecting ~{purplepost~=1176~;text~=everyday occurrences~;target~=everyday~} any more. It's a bit like that story about gaol inmates shouting jokes to each other. They'd become so familiar with all the available jokes on the list that all they needed to do was shout "No. 7", or "No. 15", and everyone would remember the story and the punchline, and laugh. Similarly, I can just refer you to earlier blog posts...)

Basically, the CMCO means we'll be in a LOT...

Of course, residents in six other Malaysian states are much worse off. They have a repeat of the full-monty ~{link~= https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/01/656469/mco-cmco-rmco-dos-and-donts ~;text~=Movement Control Order~;target~=mco~}. This is because Malaysia as a whole has now breached the 30,000 mark in terms of active Spikes cases. The hospitals are full. And something must be done to slow the evil monster's spread.

Today is also the first day of the last Chinese month. The Lunar New Year draws on apace.

And today is the second day of the Big Rains. They started with a vengeance yesterday, adding ~{link~= https://www.theborneopost.com/2021/01/13/flood-evacuation-centres-set-up-in-kuching-serian-for-flood-victims/ ~;text~=flooding~;target~=flooding~} to the general woes of the world.

We woke last night to the noise of the downpour. We breakfasted this morning to the sound of bullfrogs, which have temporarily joined our usual array of croakers.

~{nilimage~=141549~;dir~=V~;alt~=dome&puddle~;caption~=While we were still in the Little Rains~}
~{nilimage~=141557~;dir~=V~;alt~=towedaway1~;caption~=Not sure if these tow-aways were flood-related, but the photo shows the state of the road after a few hours of Big Rains~}
~{nilimage~=141558~;dir~=H~;alt~=towedaway2~;caption~=And off goes another one...~}