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Kuching diary: The Friday Gazette -- 2/4

by prudence on 02-Apr-2021
Good Friday...

I loved this beautiful ~{link~= https://cac.org/the-saving-power-of-the-cross-2021-04-02/ ~;text~=meditation~;target~=goodfriday~}, on how good can come even from humanity behaving at its worst.

~{nilimage~=141791~;dir~=H~;alt~=text~;caption~=Good Friday heron surveying the world~}
On a more material level, I also enjoyed the low-carb hot cross buns I made...

These were based on the excellent recipe for ~{link~= https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/the-keto-bread ~;text~=low-carb bread~;target~=lowcarbbread~} that I normally use, and I added cinnamon, pecans, orange zest, and a teentsy bit of orange juice. I was really surprised by how good they tasted, both hot from the oven for tea and toasted for breakfast.

~{nilimage~=141792~;dir~=H~;alt~=hotxbuns1~;caption~=Yeah, I know, there's no cross... You can't have everything...~}
Otherwise, the week brought a walk to the Thai temple (so exciting it merited its ~{purplepost~=1215~;text~=own post~;target~=thaitemple~}).

It also brought ice-cream, a rare treat as far as we are concerned:

Nigel's been writing software while keeping a fascinated eye on Iceland's endlessly entertaining ~{link~= https://mashable.com/article/iceland-volcanic-eruption/ ~;text~=new volcano~;target~=newvolcano~}:

It was cat-cleaning week on Jalan Padungan:

And I finally had to fork out for a new laptop. My previous one -- on which I had heaped a vast amount of abuse over the five-plus years we've been together, but which had actually covered a considerable number of miles pre-covid, and had quite a hard life -- finally had to be pensioned off, on the grounds that it was becoming slower and slower, and crashing more and more frequently. It's really amazing how much faster this one is... But of course setting up and trouble-shooting a new laptop has taken up a lot of Nigel's time over the course of the week.

And finally:

~{nilimage~=141765~;dir~=V~;alt~=co1~;caption~=We knew you'd want to see more views of the casing oscillator...~}