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Another long (flat) walk in the country

by prudence on 17-Jan-2011
Yesterday we did the other half of the Lillydale to Warburton rail trail.

Bussed to Woori Yallock as before. Found the toilets with considerably more facility than last time (facility -- arf, arf...). Ate the requisite tuna buns on the Woori Yallock station platform. And set off again, only this time in the opposite direction, towards Warburton.

Lovely scenery. Great views of the hills, which close ever further in on you as you near Warburton. Kookaburras again. And parrots. And pobblebonks.

Not so many walkers this time. And no horses.

Not so good was that the stations are much less preserved on this section -- even the platforms are gone -- and the track runs along by the side of the damn road at several points. Roads -- phuh! What self-respecting railway track wants to share its space with a ROAD?

The biggest disadvantage, however, was that it was HOT. Fully 29 degrees. And for quite long stretches, there's no shade. So that was quite trying. Only 17 km this time, as opposed to 23 last time. But much more tiring in many ways.

We had to stop to take on more water (and a banana) in Yarra Junction.

But the nicest respite was at the end, in Warburton. We had enormous ice creams from the Rainbow Ice Cream Shop. And then we sat by the river, where heaps of families were picnicking, and squadrons of kids were playing around in the nice, cool water.

Bus and train home. Tired.