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Reading the omens

by prudence on 28-Jan-2011
Big day today. I handed my thesis in for examination.

No, no -- no congratulations yet, thanks. It's a long way from over. It won't be over until the fat examiners sing, and I've jumped through all the hoops of their required amendments (sounds like quite a circus...)

Now, I'm not really superstitious (well, OK, a little bit -- all the Manx are a little bit superstitious), but I must admit it's been tempting to try to read the omens of the day.

They're a bit confused, though.

I gave an extra dollar to my favourite underpass-busking harmonica-player this morning -- and he fired up with the old hymn "How great thou art". Wonderful hymn. We had it at my father's funeral...

Arrived at uni to discover I'd walked all through town with toothpaste down my front. Careless oversight -- hopefully not symptomatic. Or was it bird poo? That's lucky, right?

Bought a cup of coffee, and found two unexpected teddy bear cookies playing hide and seek under my spoon. A nice surprise -- got to be good.

But then I went to the movies while I was waiting for my three copies to be thermally bound. Should I really have chosen a movie called Another Year? (Brilliant movie, by the way -- but more of that another time.) And what do you read into the fire alarm we had in the middle?

Good job I lit a candle in St Paul's on my way up this morning. That's not superstition, that's just fervent prayer...