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Newark diary: Fog and cheese

by prudence on 17-Dec-2021
It's been foggy in these parts of late. Cold, grey, damp, raw -- but often atmospheric and beautiful as well:

~{nilimage~=142873~;dir~=H~;alt~=lights1~;caption~=The castle illuminations stand out in the gloom~}
~{nilimage~=142906~;dir~=V~;alt~=spire~;caption~=St Mary Magdalene's spire recedes into the mist~}
~{nilimage~=142914~;dir~=H~;alt~=river~;caption~=The river flows on in the murk~}
What you need to combat the cold is food. I've already pointed out the warming properties of ~{purplepost~=1350~;text~=cheese~;target~=cheese~}, but here's another example:

~{nilimage~=142888~;dir~=H~;alt~=twowelsh~;caption~=Two Welsh cheeses: On the left, ~{link~= https://www.welshcheesecompany.co.uk/product/y-fenni/ ~;text~=Y Fenni~;target~=yfenni~} (Cheddar spiked with beer and wholegrain mustard); on the right, ~{link~= https://www.welshcheesecompany.co.uk/product/harlech/ ~;text~=Harlech~;target~=targetname~} (Cheddar blended with horseradish and parsley)~}
Both delicious. Goes without saying.