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Anderby Creek: Back to the seaside

by prudence on 03-Jan-2022
We hadn't returned to the coast since our ~{purplepost~=1341~;text~=Mablethorpe~;target~=Mablethorpe~} trip. It's about 60 miles from Newark to the seaside, so it's not something you do that often. But it's always such a pleasure.

Having dispatched our sandwiches in a layby en route, we followed the longer version of ~{link~= https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/directory-record/63026/chapel-point-to-anderby-creek ~;text~=this circuit~;target~=walk~} from Chapel Point to Anderby Creek and back.

It was a cold, clear, beautiful day, perfect for walking:

~{nilimage~=143023~;dir~=H~;alt~=drain1~;caption~=I just love these big flat-lands drains~}
~{nilimage~=143027~;dir~=V~;alt~=path~;caption~=Not a drain, just the path...~}
~{nilimage~=143025~;dir~=H~;alt~=pillbox~;caption~=A WWII pillbox~}
~{nilimage~=143028~;dir~=H~;alt~=reserve~;caption~=One of the many nature reserves in these parts. They're flooded clay pits, whose resources provided the material to repair the sea banks after the 1953 floods. Here we're standing on "Roman Bank", which is actually medieval in origin, and was built to reclaim land from the sea for grazing. We humans are incorrigible in our battles with the briny~}
~{nilimage~=143030~;dir~=H~;alt~=beach~;caption~=The beach is huge. Walking it is hard yakka, though, as it's mostly soft and wet. Excellent work-out for the legs...~}
~{nilimage~=143031~;dir~=H~;alt~=seaweed~;caption~=Love the late-afternoon-light colours~}
~{nilimage~=143052~;dir~=H~;alt~=observatory~;caption~=The ~{link~= https://www.visitlincolnshire.com/things-to-do/north-sea-observatory/ ~;text~=North Sea Observatory~;target~=nso~}~}
On the way home, we programmed our Newark address into the Satnav, and the sensible but slightly imperious woman who lives in the dashboard came up with a cracker of an itinerary through the Lincolnshire Wolds. These gentle hills and vales looked particularly beautiful in the setting sun. It would be a great area to return to. Trouble is, we're likely never to find this route again...