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Newark diary: First days of the year

by prudence on 06-Jan-2022
I'll let the pictures tell the story, in chronological order:

~{nilimage~=143018~;dir~=H~;alt~=nye~;caption~=Our New Year's Eve photo~}
~{nilimage~=143019~;dir~=H~;alt~=squirrel~;caption~=There's nowhere better than a graveyard for your first walk of the new year... This is Newark's London Road Cemetery, which is ~{purplepost~=975~;text~=historically significant~;target~=polish~} as well as beautiful~}
~{nilimage~=143047~;dir~=V~;alt~=buds~;caption~=It's really too early for these... We had an absurdly mild New Year, with daytime temperatures up around 15 degrees...~}
~{nilimage~=143048~;dir~=H~;alt~=windmills~;caption~=Sunrise wind turbines near the start of the railway track that is one of our staple walks~}
~{nilimage~=143049~;dir~=H~;alt~=drops~;caption~=Further down the line~}
~{nilimage~=143053~;dir~=H~;alt~=canadageese~;caption~=Canada geese have become the emblem of the journey this year... There are just so many of them... I thought they were migrants, but no, they were introduced in the 17th century, and the populations, which you can find pretty much all over England, are resident~}
~{nilimage~=143054~;dir~=H~;alt~=cormorants1~;caption~=And, continuing on the bird front, here are some pelicans adorning Newark Castle. No, not pelicans really. Cormorants (we think)~}
~{nilimage~=143057~;dir~=H~;alt~=train~;caption~=One of the country's currently comparatively ~{link~= https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/05/reduced-timetables-rail-network-great-britain ~;text~=rare~;target~=trains&covid~} train services...~}
~{nilimage~=143046~;dir~=H~;alt~=ice~;caption~=Ice! From the 15 degrees of New Year, we've gone back to more seasonal temperatures in recent days. There was even a flurry of snow over our garden in Newark today~}