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Top five in Yogya this week

by prudence on 16-Feb-2011
In no particular order:

1. Gadjah Wong Restaurant: This is a very attractive place, down by the eponymous river. They have three areas, all beautifully decorated, with a different kind of music in each. We were in the room with the gamelan. The food is delicious, ample, and beautifully presented.

2. Sono Budoyo Museum: I didn't find Lonely Planet's "dusty and dimly lit" particularly justified, and I enjoyed the displays of wayang kulit, batik, classical era statuary, etc. There's some remarkable stuff there.

3. Affandi Museum: I have to admit I'd never heard of Affandi, but this is a great place. First, I really like his paintings. Especially his studies of people, but also his landscapes -- there is an amazing sense of flow and texture, combined with vibrant colour. Second, the complex (which he designed) is quirky and beautiful. It's set by the river, is shot through with plants and other greenery, and consists of several lofty buildings, with interesting little add-ons and staircases, and odd little bits of carving popping up here and there. Fascinatingly organic.

4. Drinking avocado coffee at the Excelso Cafe: Coffee, avocado puree, ice cream, and chocolate sprinkles on top. Don't pull a face -- this is totally delicious.

5. Buying a shirt THAT FITS for A$5 at the Beringharjo market.