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Walking Notts: Balderton Mark 2

by prudence on 09-Feb-2022
In the middle of January I wrote about our little ~{purplepost~=1368~;text~=Balderton loop~;target~=balderton~}. We've since refined it, and it has become one of our favourite local circuits.

So now it goes like this: Middlebeck (new housing estate); nice lane with llamas and horses; Balderton itself; Bullpit Road (or Bullpit Lane, depending on precisely where you are); various level crossings; Barnbygate; Newark marketplace -- and home. Or the reverse, needless to say.

I can't, by the way, find any information about an erstwhile bullpit, and my mother-in-law doesn't recall one either. But never mind.

~{nilimage~=143523~;dir~=H~;alt~=horses~;caption~=Another illustration of the perils of being short~}
~{nilimage~=143469~;dir~=V~;alt~=church~;caption~=St Giles again~}
~{nilimage~=143524~;dir~=H~;alt~=light~;caption~=Such awesome light these days~}
~{nilimage~=143452~;dir~=H~;alt~=train1~;caption~=I suspect Nigel likes this walk largely on account of all the train-spotting opportunities~}