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Top five in Yogya: Week 7

by prudence on 01-Apr-2011
1. Enjoying the exhibitions, the lush gardens, and the colonial-style restaurant at Ullen Sentalu just outside Kaliurang.

2. Attending a student concert at Gajah Mada University, which included very enjoyable performances of gamelan and classical dancing.

3. Swimming in the fabulous pool at the Yogyakarta Plaza Hotel, just down the road from my kos.

4. Being given my very own wayang kulit figure by one of my language teachers -- and feeling honoured that she chose Srikandi, daughter of King Drupada (because he was divinely ordered to raise her as a boy, she got to do cool stuff like archery, and fought for the good guys alongside her husband Arjuna).

5. Eating pempek -- tasty and substantial fish cakes that hail from Palembang.