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Top five in Yogya: Week 10

by prudence on 22-Apr-2011
1. Eating and learning about all things mushroom at Jejamuran, Yogya's famous mushroom restaurant.

2. Attending Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta's 30th anniversary -- great singing by the choir, and an inspirational speech by Chairul Tanjung.

3. Having a fantastic farewell food experience at Dae Jang Geum with friends from International Internships -- a great introduction to Korean food.

4. Going on a class outing to Boyong Kalegan Resto, up near Kaliurang. Photos, food, karaoke, and warm wishes -- a great final day in Yogya.

5. Listening to the Easter story being chanted in Indonesian by beautiful voices at the church up the road.