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The Eager Bega

by nigel on 12-Jun-2012
or on the persistence of Sales people.

We now buy cheese slices to go with crackers as one of our evening snacks. Here in tropical climes we tend not to have a full meal in the evening.

We were down to the last slice and as I had I decided that the fridge needed defrosting, so the last slice was consumed and the fridge turned off. The rest of the contents went to the office to spend the morning under the air-conditioning.

The ice had really built up in the freezer box and I was surprised that there was no water accumulating in the drip trip even after a couple of hours with the freezer box door wedged open (using a wooden stick given to you when you buy cut fruit to eat).

Then I spotted that the 'drip' tray had the words "Meat Tray" hidden on the front and so I pulled it out completely and peered into the back of the fridge. Now there was another drip trip above the dry trip tray which was obviously designed to gather everything and let it drip down through a small hole near the rear. There was a nice steady drip of ice cold water from this into a funnel arrangement attached to the back of the fridge. After a look round the back I then noticed what could be the front of a pull out tray tucked neatly away under the bottom of the front of the fridge.
This was full to overflowing until I pulled it out when about half the contents spilled on the floor. Wide but shallow containers are very difficult to keep level so by the time I was able to tip the water into the sink it was only a quarter full and so was the kitchen floor.
But having worked everything out a regular ten minute schedule of tray emptying saw the job done and the fridge back on within the hour and I was able to go for lunch and buy more cheese.

So I also bought milk, orange juice and yoghurt but nobody challenged me over these purchasing decisions but I had hardly started to reach into the cabinet for a twelve pack of Bega Super Slices when a voice called out "Try this, it is Australian cheese".
Slightly befuddled, after all Bega is Australian, I saw the adverts when we lived there, I turned to the lady hurrying up to and then past me. Grabbing her sample box she offered me a choice of either Bega Black Pepper Cheese or Bega Chili Con Carne Cheese (or something like that). "They're Australian" she said.
I said "Thank You" but I wanted plain cheese and reached for the Super Slices.
"But these are Australian" she said.

At this point I had the flash back to Cote d'Ivoire 1998. Having picked up two bottles of Flag beer a young lady tried to get me to buy Flag beer in cans which was a new addition to the range. She kept telling me "It was better" but was not able to tell me why, whilst I on my part pointed out that for the price of two cans I could buy three bottles and each bottle contained nearly twice as much as one can and beer generally tastes much better out of a bottle. (Guinness is one exception where it is nearly as good as).
She continued to insist cans were better and I eventually left her to it.

Meanwhile back in the present I looked at Ms Persistence and tried a different tack. "I know they're Australian, so is this", picking up the Bega I wanted and showing it to her. Then in moment of either genius or desperation I said "I have an Australian driver's licence. Do you want to see it?".
"This is Australian" she replied, which was true; "and it's better" she continued which was a matter of debate as per fourteen years ago.
But I had learnt my lesson then, you don't debate with a determined sales operative and wishing her a "Nice Day" I turned and strode determinedly for the checkouts.