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A little trip to Bangsar

by prudence on 29-Jul-2012
To get to Bangsar, you first take the bus to Kelana Jaya. We've had trouble with this particular bus in the past, but in the meantime Nigel has worked out that it stops on the other side of the road, not our side, so it's now easy. From Kelana Jaya, you take the driverless LRT.

And from the LRT, you walk for about 10 minutes, passing a flag-festooned Barisan Nasional office, a lovely modern mosque, and a few little restaurants.

This is a pleasantly low-rise and leafy area, reminding me very much of the parts of Singapore I used to traverse to get to the ISEAS library. It's a little car-choked; nevertheless, the atmosphere is predominantly upmarket and relaxed.

Lonely Planet's map let us down again, but this time it wasn't really their fault. Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa, our first goal, has moved. Failing to find it, we had lunch in Kafe Chawan. Huge portions, and very decent. I had a big bowl of lontong, complete with compressed rice, boiled egg, tofu, and tempeh, which came with a massive chunk of very tasty chicken rendang.

Well stuffed, we waddled off to find Silverfish Books -- which has also moved. But LP at least supplied the phone number, so we could call them up. This is a great bookshop, full of stuff you don't find elsewhere. So we left a few ringgit lighter.

We retraced our steps to the station, via one of the malls this time. They were just beginning to set up the pasar malam on one of the side streets.

Which could provide another good reason for returning to this pleasant little enclave...