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It's the little things that matter -- 2

by prudence on 26-Apr-2013
-- Eating Salad Solo (marinated beef and vegetables) and crispy cass (tubes stuffed with squashed cassava and topped with cheese and chocolate -- yes, I've given in -- we order terang bulan with cheese and chocolate now too..).

-- Enjoying the celebrations for UMY's 32nd anniversary (the Sultan of Yogyakarta gave an address; the choir was fabulous; the students did a great job with their regional stalls; and the evening concert, Pelangi Nusantara, offered an intriguing combination of traditional and contemporary music and dance from all over the archipelago -- bravo).

-- Dining out in the garden of the R&B Grill, catching up with friends, and listening to the piano-sax-vocal trio.

-- Learning Indonesian (I'm still terrible, but at least I'm enjoying the journey).

-- Making friends with the local cat.

-- Continuing to be beguiled by rice cameos (a flock of ducks being released into a newly harvested paddy-field by a conical-hatted old man, the whole scene golden in the rapidly rising sun, and hazy from the smoke from some nearby small fire -- classic).