Little trips round Yogya -- 10 -- Pantai Depok
by prudence on 23-Jun-2013
The recipe for this one is very easy:
Ride Rufus south to the sea. Before you hit Parangtritis, veer west to Pantai Depok.
Walk east along the black sand beach, and muse that between you and Antartica there is really nothing...
Exhausted by all that philosophy, settle yourself as comfortably as you can on the floor of one of the beach-side eateries. Down the contents of a young coconut, and people-watch while you wait for your freshly grilled fish with rice, salad, and three kinds of sambal.
Then walk west along the black sand beach, past the brilliant array of fishing boats, to the point where the river flows into the ocean.
Ride Rufus home, trying to not get obliterated by the nasty big purple bus, and feeling happy you are safely on your motorbike when you spot the two-metre-long snake...
So lovely to see the sea again...
For earlier pictures of Pantai Depok, but minus Nigel, Rufus, the fish, and most of the walk, see here.