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Little trips round Yogya -- 21 -- Gua Siluman

by prudence on 06-Oct-2013

Another ruined royal water garden... Another powerful dose of faded grandeur...

This is Gua Siluman, out in Wonocatur, near the airport.

Among the remnants of pools and carved foliage and mythical beasts, a bunch of guys were catching catfish.

It's not quite Ozymandias. After all, there is much royal splendour still in evidence in Yogya. We're not in the midst of "lone and level sands" as far as the eye can see.

Nevertheless, it's a little chilling. Once so opulent, now decayed... Eram quod es, eris quod sum...

Needed to pop in at Monggo on the way home. There's nothing like chocolate to restore the spirits...