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Little trips round Yogya -- 22 -- Panggung Krapyak

by prudence on 20-Oct-2013

A little way south of the Kraton, and a pleasant stroll from our favourite Sunday breakfast area in Prawirotaman, is Panggung Krapyak. This, according to the ever-helpful Yogyes site, is a 260-year-old royal hunting lodge, from which huntsmen of yore could fire off at forest animals from a nice safe position. Possibly it served as a guard post, too, defending the southern approaches to the Kraton.

It's survived remarkably well, and is still a good, solid edifice.

Possibly this is because it's on the highly important spiritual line that runs from Mount Merapi through the Kraton to the southern ocean.

It's kind of strange, therefore, that today it functions primarily as a roundabout...

Love these quirky places...