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Little trips round Yogya -- 53 -- a gallery, a church, and a temple

by prudence on 15-Jun-2014

This was another fantastic little trip. Rufus did 164 kms this weekend, which is an absolute record.

First stop: the Museum Haji Widayat. Born in 1919, this prolific and highly creative artist worked right up to 2002, the year of his death. He explored an extraordinary variety of styles, and there is really lots to ponder over and admire.

The gallery is airy and pleasant, and at the back there are lovely gardens, an impressive pendopo, and another big gallery with artwork for sale by other artists.

We had the whole complex to ourselves, and were only the second set of visitors that day. Which is rather sad, because this place is well, well worth a visit.



After a little art, there's nothing nicer than a little afternoon tea in the very gracious pendopo of the Rumah Boedi. Loved the little pandan pancakes stuffed with banana and gula Jawa.


Second stop, the following morning: the Dove Church, near Borobodur. This extraordinary building was designed as a prayer house, but was never finished. It's crumbling quietly away, but is still extraordinarily photogenic:



Third stop: Selogriya temple. This is another little gem of a temple, set high up in the hills. Every direction you look, there's a view that encapsulates the beauty and the plenty of Java: wooded hills, neat little terraces of rice and vegetables, stands of banana and coconut, wild flowers, hundreds of butterflies...

temple statue


Truly, Java is blessed, and we have been blessed with it...
