Travel blogs -- 2
by prudence on 25-Jun-2014
In the odd minutes that are free these days, from the vantage-point of our own semi-permanent state of travel, I continue my perusal of other people's travel blogs:
Wandering Earl is another long-term traveller. Good blog. Like it. Earl sounds like he's fun.
Then there's Nomadic Matt. But is Matt bottling out, I wonder? "No longer a long-term traveler"?? I can't imagine such a thing...
And you can't go past Bren. He's another practical-yet-also-philosophical long-term traveller, and I can absolutely hear his Kiwi accent...
Nerd's Eye View is written by Pam Mandel. She writes really well. I wish I could write like Pam Mandel... This one I found really funny.
Bearshapedsphere is also nice. I specially liked this post on finding travel moments in the everyday.
Uncornered Market, despite a certain preciousness ("a husband-and-wife storytelling team"?), straightaway struck me as one to go back to. This, on being "present" in travel, really resonated. And their photos are awesome: I really want to go to Ethiopia now...
The blog in Canvas of Light is camera-technical, and not really up my street. But wow, those photos just leap off the screen. This guy's a pro...
Ramadan's coming up, so I'll sign out with a very distinctive bit of travel culture that will be all around us very soon: the practice of "mudik" (or "balik kampung" as they say in Malaysia), which means returning to your family for the end of the fasting period. I guess there will be plenty of bloggers covering this too, but in the meantime, here's Haji Widayat's version: