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Day-by-day KL

by prudence on 15-Feb-2015

The highlight of the past week was seeing Casablanca, with the score played by the MPO. It's a good movie, which thoroughly deserves its classic reputation. (Here is a review from 1942.) And to have this terrific live accompaniment -- an awesomely full sound -- made for a really unique experience.

Otherwise, KL is very much CNY at the moment. That means it's nice and red, but the traffic is a bit of a bear most of the time.

A colleague gave me two lovely mandarins the other day, and we hoped to suck up some good fortune with the prosperity juice from Juiceworks (mandarin, guava, lychee, and soursop). That was presumably much healthier than the Smurf-flavoured drink below:


So the year rolls by... Unchanging, however, are the towers:


A constant feature, too, are the building sites. Maybe they'll finish building KL one day, but I'm really not sure:

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And always, there are intriguing little everyday shots:
