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Yet another day out at KLCC

by prudence on 24-May-2015

KLCC, as we've proved many times before, provides lots of nice things to do on a Sunday off.

Today we:

-- walked to Kampung Baru station (our preferred way of reaching KLCC if time permits)

-- established on the way that our favourite Chow Kit market breakfast place IS BACK -- YAY!!

-- had very creditable Eggs Benedict at Chinoz on the Park

-- followed up with the first Cham coffee for ages at OTWC, while watching the fountains limbering up in the park outside

-- viewed the Gila-Gila exhibition at the Petronas Gallery (much of it inaccessible to non-Malaysians, it has to be said, but still worth seeing, both for its generally superb artwork and for the themes that even Mat Salleh can understand)

imf soros

-- watched Spy, a refreshingly funny take on the James Bond genre


-- had lunch at Dome (because they do salads, and we're trying to shed post-trip pounds)

-- strolled the park

-- bused home

Almost 10 years since I was first here:
