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Bak kut teh, butoh, burning, and black-and-gold

by prudence on 13-Sep-2015

Deciding on Sunday breakfast is always a bit of a trial in the Prudence household. It's nice to take the opportunity to do something different, but unfortunately, we're ready to eat well before most of the trendy brunch places are open and/or serving food.

This morning, after lots of yes-no, go-stop, we finally opted for bak kut teh at Lot 10 Hutong. Great choice.

Aku Cafe and Gallery, where we called in for post-breakfast coffee and a wee smidgen of chocolate cake, is still running its "Half Man, Half Ghost" poster exhibition.

Intriguing. White figures. Masks. Butoh.

What is Butoh?

Well, it's a fascinatingly subversive dance form, born in post-war Japan, and Nyoba Kan, whose yearly festivals Aku's posters commemorate, is the only Butoh dance company in Malaysia. This year's festival was on while we were away, it turns out. Pity. Must look out for it next year. If we're spared....

Then off again, through the continuing smoke pollution. The twin towers should actually be in this photo, but the camera couldn't find them...


Our next goal was the Indian shops near Sogo. I'm going to a black-and-gold dinner soon, and was clean out of things gold. After a bit of pleasant foraging in the fabric shops, I came up with the below dupatta. Shiny... Prudence likes shiny...
