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From the Freezer to the Furnace

by nigel on 12-Apr-2010
I have just returned to Singapore (with a little excursion to Malaysia for the weekend) after visiting Good Old Blighty, a.k.a England, for a month.

It was cold.

This year winter was long and harsh by normal standards and whether the weather was a result of climate change or the normal randomness of life, I had to arrive armed with my two thinnest fleeces and a light-weight windproof coat that I bought specifically because it did not keep you warm. I did however have my old cap and a pair of gloves.

I could have packed some warmer clothing when we left Melbourne in December for this six months away but warmer is bulkier and heavier, Qantas economy class gives you 23kg and it was only going to be needed for one month of the six.

It is not just the actual air temperature that makes you cold. The air is damp and the wind blows. I felt warmer in sub-zero temperatures on the snow fields of Mount Ruapehu!

So the month passes, I have a great time with family and friends, I re-visit places I used to live and places I have never been before. England is full of historic places built of stone and earth that have withstood centuries of climate and it is wonderful to wander around and admire it.

Of course the day I head for the airport is the warmest, driest and least windy day since last year. Just before checking in I put all my 'winter' clothes in the suitcase. It may get to 20 degrees in England today but in Singapore it rarely drops below 25.