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Leaving Yogya again...

by prudence on 06-Jun-2016

We're catching the plane back to KL this afternoon. Again, although I love my life in Malaysia, I'm sad to leave this place.

What a busy week it's been... It feels like we've done a lot in a short time.

And now it's the beginning of Ramadan. The seasonal songs and decorations have appeared in the hotel. The streets are Ramadan-quiet.

To add to the galleries and beaches that we were lucky enough to visit, here are a few more highlights of our trip:

-- Doing all the wonderful old favourite things, and meeting again a few of the wonderful people who have ensured over the years that I will always experience a little clench of the heart whenever I think of this place, and whenever I come back to it...




-- Having very profitable meetings with various collaborators

-- Checking out the so-brand-new-it's-not-quite-finished Hartono Mall

mall1 mall2

-- Making the lamentable discovery that The Ministry of Coffee is now closed, and thus is no longer producing its inimitable pancakes... but also finding that the Cinema Bakery does small fat pancakes that are almost as good

-- Enjoying ViaVia's breakfast menu, both old (the good old baguette, lassi, and kopi Jawa routine), and new ("red eggs" and porridge with fruit compote)

-- Putting the seal of approval on the crepes and galettes at La Creperie Brittany



-- Discovering teabag wedang uwuh ("minuman khas Imogiri"), teh kulit manggis, and Monggo's new flavours (nutmeg and rendang -- yes, rendang)

