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Did you miss us while we were away ?

by nigel on 26-Mar-2017

On Thursday (23rd March) the company who provide the web-hosting for this site had a major problem which effectively removed all of the websites they host from the internet. This site did not reappear until late Friday or early Saturday.

For us this was an inconvenience more than anything. It did mean that I could not getting any emails for a couple of days and some of the time sensitive stuff that the site does automatically had to be done using the backup system which is a manually controlled process.

Also being from an IT background I know that sometimes things go terribly wrong in the most unexpected of ways so I was fairly willing to just wait for things to come good.

However for a number of clients their websites are the sharp end of their business and so it is understandable that they were very annoyed that they were down and that their provider was not being the best communicator in the world.

Some made sarcastic comments about a perceived lack of a Disaster Recovery plan from their provider.

The irony is of course is that they themselves obviously had no Disaster Recovery plan for the contingency of their provider having serious problems.

Anyway for NilAligned this was the catalyst to do what we have long been meaning to do which is look for an alternative hosting service.

So now there is not only NilAligned.Net but also NilAligned.Asia, we got the domain for free with the hosting.

As time goes by Asia will become what Net is, and more.

Then quietly we will flick the switch and the two will become one.

But do not hold your breath it will be a while.