KL diary: To every thing there is a season
by prudence on 02-Dec-2018
Our MPO concert this week featured Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Clear as day, the music marks out the different phases of the temperate year. We also heard Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. Again, this is "programme music", depicting scenes and moods.
There have been very definite seasons to this week, and I can imagine the music to each of them.
First, we had three days in hospital (lots of percussion, and anxious vibrato).
Prince Court Medical Centre, to be precise. And, if you have to be in hospital, this is a very good place to do it (always providing your employer has included medical insurance in your remuneration).
It's like a hotel, really, only they stick way more sharp things in you than is normally the case in your average lodging house.

My initial consultations were at Gleneagles, and I must admit the banner below made me smile. Even when you're in hospital, it's important to be able to shop.

So the week has been something of a season of adversity. But it has also been the season to receive food (warm, fuzzy music). Unexpected pressed rice cake arrived from our Pudu fishball noodle soup purveyor (very tasty), along with mung beans and jaggery from our Sri Lankan friends (delicious, and a meal in itself).

In KL it's always the season to be inspired (cue the brass section), and this weekend was no exception. Next to Jamaica Blue, one of our summer coffee shop discoveries, is a gallery. And today was the last day of an exhibition by couturier Eric Choong, who (among many other things) does wonders with batik.

In the room at the front there's a wonderful little exhibition of miniature dioramas by Eddie Putera. The attention to detail is phenomenal, as these little masterpieces lovingly transform something banal, rusty, and scruffy into something exquisite and timeless.

And it's been the season just to potter the streets, in slow, recovery mode (relaxed strings), letting every little quirky sight make you glad you're still here.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." It's best not to knock yourself out trying to understand it all.