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Singapore retrospective: A song for the singing cabbie

by prudence on 17-Jul-2010
It's 40 days since we left Singapore. So that seems a good time to recall our departure.

A friend organized a taxi to take us to the airport, which we thought was very kind. What we didn't know, until we were on our way, was that this was a very special taxi, fitted out with a full karaoke kit, and came with a very special driver, who was a singer. We went the long way round, to take in as many final views as possible of Singapore's lush greenery, and as we rolled, Albert sang. Which was lovely.

So, Albert, if you're reading, this was written on my last evening in Singapore, over a cup of Ya Kun coffee at the airport, and it's dedicated to you:

Leaving Singapore today.
Feeling sad.
Don't know really what to say.
It's all bad.
Back to winter, back to grey,
Leaving the tropics a world away.
Must be mad...

Then we meet a lovely soul,
Singing tunes,
Taxi-ing travellers to their goal,
While he croons,
Making music, soothing, sweet,
Songs of joy where lovers meet
In honeymoons.

What a different journey now
To the plane!
Songs of love fulfilled somehow
Ease the pain.
Thank you, Albert! We will treasure
This last ride and all its pleasure.
Sing again!