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KL diary: Brownies, fairy-tales, and new breakfast places

by prudence on 09-Apr-2017
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It's been an extraordinarily busy week at work. All weeks are busy at work. But this week even more so.

It has been rescued by:

-- Eating brownies. Breaking up the marking with an afternoon brownie (salted caramel) at Born & Bread, and rounding off a hard day with an evening brownie (actually a banana blondie) at the Brownies Bar in Pavilion Elite.

-- Finally getting into the salted egg yolk croissant fad. This has apparently been around since last year, unbeknown to me. Nice, though. An interesting blend of sweet and salty.

-- Checking out Lai Foong for Sunday breakfast. We actually sat in the wrong bit (ie, the next-door extension, as opposed to the corner lot that's in all the pictures). But the beef noodles, I'm sure, were the maestro's. Very, very nice, with a flavoursome broth and very tender beef. The portions are big. Two bowls would have been too much. One was just a little too little. So we rounded off with a couple of plates of chee cheong fun from the chee cheong fun stall in the old-fashioned wet market on Madras Lane.

-- Watching Don't Let Children Know, another highly inventive KLPAC production. This was a melange of seven distinct pieces, variously drawing on the media of dance, song, shadow-puppets, or pantomime, but all based on fairytales. I enjoyed the fresh look at those who struggle for words, who lose their hearts to mermaids, whose environment is destroyed around them, or whose lives are contaminated by the arrival of evil.

Of course, we're also watching the year roll round (yellow-flower-tree time = it's getting hot)

fairytales yellowtree

And we're watching the city change. Some of our local shophouses are reincarnating as boutique hotels. MRT stations are shooting up everywhere. And the walkway to Bandaraya LRT station is finally complete -- although it would have been REALLY nice if the door at the station end had actually been open...

Still, the old is still very discernible. For which I'm grateful.

festivalboutique chinesething