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Back at the culinary coal-face

by prudence on 18-May-2014

The highlight of the current culinary research period was the IPIREL 2010 graduands-and-nearly-graduands' dinner. The venue was Bale Ayu, the food was delicious, and we actually remembered to photograph it BEFORE it was all eaten... But best of all was the company. God bless these young, hopeful lives. May all their dreams come true...

Otherwise, it's been another period of strenuous investigation, with the following results:

-- Mie godok now experienced. Tick.

-- Milas's pancakes sampled (with peanuts and palm sugar). Tick. (These are a thinner, European-style pancake, unlike the Ministry of Coffee's fatter, American-style ones. Both are equally delicious.)

-- Excuse found for another meal at Omah Dhuwur. Tick. (Love their drinks: I had one made of turmeric, ginger, lemon, and tamarind this time. It was child's-picture-sunshine yellow. And their exquisite presentation complements the always excellent food: my plate held a banana leaf package containing chicken and sweet corn; a differently shaped banana leaf package containing steamed rice; a few emping; some acar nesting on a lettuce leaf; two pieces of tofu skewered on a lemon grass stalk; and a little half-moon dish of vegetables in a turmeric sauce. Nigel's seafood fried rice, meanwhile, came with a salad on a stick, which I think is a great idea.)

-- Breakfast crisis (no bubur lady, no soto man, and this is post-walk, so pretty much too late to go to Bu Nani -- aaaargh!) successfully averted. Tick. (We raided the jajanan pasar shop, where we found: martabaklets for starters; nasi kuning for the main, with little strips of egg, a spoonful of meat floss, some peanuts, and a piece of cucumber; and getuk for pudding.)

-- Sate Klathak finally tried out. Tick. (This is a Bantul speciality, so it's shameful it's taken us so long. We went to the famous Pak Pong, and I very much doubt this will be our last experience. The goat sate -- served on skewers made out of bicycle spokes -- is tender, with a slight crispness and a delicious saltiness; it comes with a little broth, but we also ordered gulai daging (meat curry), which is a more robust version of the same idea. With rice and drinks, it cost 50,000, which is not bad, I thought, as goat is expensive.)

Now, come on, are we not indefatigable?
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