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by nigel on 14-Oct-2010
In my previous post I use the phrase "to see the perfect become even better" which leads naturally on to the observation most of the advertising industry will be "amongst the first against the wall when the revolution comes" to quote the man.

[Logical shift sideways:

We recently had the 10th day of the 10 month of the 10th year or 101010 if you write it like that which in binary is the decimal equivalent of 42 which is as you all know the answer to "Life, the Universe & Everything". So this got several people excited.

Rather tenuous don't you think?

What about it being really 2010 eh?

Dig around enough, drop inconvenient numbers, transform it to letters and eh bingo you have last weeks Lotto results or whatever you want.]

So most advertising is really bad one way or another. Last night there was an advert for a room freshener air spray which, and I may be a bit hazy on the exact details here, involved the spirits of dead fish recently fried in a pan haunting the house and pestering the toddler. Mum being ever vigilant and protective as she should be leaps into action armed with the spray can and eh presto they are gone. The Ghost-busters themselves could have done no better.

There is some accompanying words about this wonder product and how this is the one. It is at this point that you realize that implicit in this praise is the admission that all the previous air freshener products from this company, which I bet were advertised as being the definitive last word in artificial smells (but with genuine Amazon rain forest extract flavour, apart from the musty smell) DID NOT ACTUALLY WORK WELL.

Sure I am going to buy this one, yeah right!