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Top five in Yogya: Week 4

by prudence on 15-Mar-2011
1. Attending a wedding in Jakarta is not exactly a Yogya highlight. But it was an extremely beautiful occasion.

2. Finishing Hanna Rambe's "Mirah of Banda", published in translation by Lontar Press -- a sad but evocative tale of colonial life in the nutmeg plantations of Maluku.

3. Learning lots in my English conversation group about religious violence in Indonesia -- a rather sombre highlight, this, but a kind of lightbulb moment.

4. Drinking an avocado mocha in Cafe Excelso on Friday evening, when the week's work was over...

5. Reading the first chapter of an Agatha Christie in Indonesian -- it's not going to be a express run through Misteri Kereta Api Biru, but we will get there...

Of course, again overshadowing the week was a volcano... Japan is in everyone's mind at the moment, as the situation turns ever more apocalyptic.