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New Blog Look Successfully Loaded After Only Minor Problems

by admin on 05-Apr-2012
If you are reading this you have, hopefully noticed that the look of the blog pages has changed and also you think it is better.

The By Pages feature has gone completely and the By Month which showed you all the posts for an entire month has been replaced by a Tree View that takes takes you to the eight posts where the top most is the last post of the month or year that you selected.

Generally you can then use the Earlier and Later links on the top and bottom of the page to move around the immediate calendar-hood.

So what about the minor problems? Well the live database, MySQL, has (case) sensitivity issues around table names that my development environment does not. So it had to be pampered a bit.

You can confidently expect to see further improvements to this site within the decade.
Exciting, yes?

PS: I have just noticed that the post authors name is missing, defect logged, will be fixed.
PPS: It is now fixed