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He Knew He Was Right

by nigel on 31-Mar-2012
I am a great fan of Anthony Trollope and have enjoyed all of his novels that I have read so far, the latest being He Knew He Was Right.

Most commonly known for his Barchester Chronicles: a set of six novels with the goings on around the cathedral city of Barchester I have also read the six novel Palliser (or Political) novels, The Way We Live Now (my favourite) and now the above.

Apart from being a good read one of the attractions for me has been that Trollope Novels have been hard to come by and poking around a book shop in the hope that they may have a copy of some as yet unread Trollope novel has been half the joy, especially if I actually find one.

I recall buying books in various parts of New Zealand, Vancouver, Canada and Lincoln, England. Thus it was with great disappointment that I discovered in a book shop in England recently lots of Trollope novels that I had previously never seen on a shelf. Indeed I was upset by the wide selection that I did not buy a single one.

So whoever buys those books please remember to take them on holiday abroad with you, read them and then sell them to a second-hand book shop. I will track them down from there.

Many thanks