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More little things -- 6

by prudence on 07-Jul-2013

Mostly food this time :)

-- Eating tahu pepes

-- Having an extremely nice lunch at Tembi (the Waroeng Dhahar Pulo Segaran, to be precise) -- es lumut (another of those cool, smooth, coconutty, caramelly drinks with floating bits), fried fish with rice and sambal, rice flour porridge with gula Jawa (jenang sumsum), and kopi Jawa

-- Finally cracking how to wrap and send a parcel... (the wrapping bit costs just 7,500, courtesy of the packing people on the pavement in front of the Post Office, who sew your stuff into a neat hessian parcel -- but wow, the sending bit is not half expensive)

-- Sampling delicious Sundanese food at Mang Engking, Jl. Godean, Sleman (sour soup, karedok, which is the Sundanese version of gado-gado, honey-grilled prawns, excellent gurame, and tasty sambals), while saying goodbye to our Malaysian exchange students

-- Checking out the Almond Bakery's lapis legit (sticky layer-cake)

-- Trying the Soto Kudus from the warung at the top of the road -- we didn't avail ourselves of the additionally proffered chicken foot and head, but the broth was very flavoursome, thanks to the spices used (one recipe has candlenuts, garlic, nutmeg, pepper, coriander, cumin, and turmeric; another has garlic, shallots, galangal, salam leaves, purut leaves, turmeric, and pepper), and the fact that the chicken is apparently fried after first being boiled

-- Having dinner with friends at Just-Ai (I recommend the lemongrass chicken)

-- Having kopi Jawa, croissants, and wholemeal toast (with butter and a very nice conserve) at Hani's, while listening to "I'm Feeling Good" (love that bass -- DUM... DeDUM... DeDUM... DeDUM...)

-- Continuing to enjoy sharing the roads with flocks of ducks and pairs of buffalo