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Little trips round Yogya -- 13 -- more temples

by prudence on 14-Jul-2013

This was our third temple expedition since we've been here (the first two being Plaosan and Gedongsongo). But it was our first with Rufus.

Today's targets were the "western group" of the Prambanan complex, and whereas it costs a fortune to get into their big and famous neighbour, these can be accessed for 2,000 rupiah (A$ 0.20) apiece.

Candi Sambisari was easy to find, and we found it redolent of morning (the dew still on the grass, the air still slightly hazy); quiet (partly because of its sunken position); and beautifully proportioned.

Candi Sari was definitely not easy to find, partly because our map was wrong. We needed a bit of help from a friendly passing ice-cream salesman. But it was well worth the effort. A gem of a temple, full of graceful sculptures.

Finally, Candi Kalasan. Again no shortage of memorable images, ranging from lovely apsaras through giants' building-blocks to bat-filled shafts.

Love Java's temples...