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A Korean day

by prudence on 03-Feb-2016

I am currently indisposed. Something evil has invaded my voicebox, and temporarily laid waste to my ability to speak.

Near the doctor's surgery, to which I was yesterday forced, is my favourite KL Korean restaurant, Sopoong. So, once supplied with enough medications to sink a battleship, I battled the germs in a different way with some spicy kimchi udon.

This set the tone for an unexpectedly Korean day.

During the afternoon, while excavating his desk, Nigel came across the Korean game we'd been given by the kind host at our hanok in Jeonju:

hanok1 hanok2

And because indoor entertainment was called for, we decided to give it a go.

It's called yut nori, has a really long history, and is actually quite fun. Admittedly, I lost the first three games. But having steeled myself to give it one more try, I came roaring back.

And that evening we also finished That Winter, the Wind Blows...

Everyone complains about the ending, and -- yeah, it's a bit weird, and you do wonder why they felt they needed to script certain things.

But at the end of the day, do you watch soaps for realism?

And the fact remains that it was beautifully filmed; the acting was great; and the key character dilemmas were very poignant. So I can largely forgive it the loose ends and the we-can't-quite-make-up-our-mind-happy ending.

I just love the way the fan posts pore over the movie, dissecting its every twist, commenting on the fashion, nonchalantly tossing off expressions like "character arc" and "OST", and lacing the writing with hundreds of stills.

Their thoroughness puts blogging dilettantes like me to shame.

What I can offer, however, is a summer version of some of Winter Wind's stunning mountain scenery:
