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Is more actually better ?

by nigel on 13-Feb-2011
or does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle apply to the Internet?

In the beginning there was Alta Vista. [Apparently there still is Alta Vista but I had to google it to discover that it still existed, and notice how google is now a verb even if your spell checker is not up with it on that?]

Now there is Google [and the spell checker is happy with a capitalized noun] which is "le search engine numero uno" and gives you more links than you can comfortably follow up; and to be honest, who in this day and age even has the time to check the second page of Google results?

Of course there are alternatives such as Bing but all bing seems to offer is less results for the same query, should you wish to be the pedantic type who will actually venture to page 2.

So if, for example, you notice that the HP bright white inkjet paper [that page took a lot of searching to find on the old internet] you use tends to choke your Fellowes p-45C shredder you also use, you would expect that the interweb would be overflowing with information...

...but it is not.

So I will tell you here and now that wonderful as it is for giving you great results with your old HP c7250 printer it tends to stick to the teeth of your shredder like your utility bills don't.

So here it is the first and thus definitive guide how to guide on this particular subject:
After a few sheets have been stuffed into the slot you can hear your shredder laboring under the effort. You have two options:
a) Stick the shredder into reverse until it runs freely then jam into forward repeatedly until it also runs freely (in which case you are home and hosed) or it promptly dies when you repeat a) ad nauseum.
b) After each sheet, and you really do want to insert one sheet at a time, you insert the next sheet into the shredder slot far enough such that it covers the paper detector and keeps the shredder running, but not so far as to be grabbed by the "pointy, pointy teeth" and actually shredded until you hear that the mechanism sounds to be running freely. Then, and only then, do you allow the shredder to mangle the new sheet.

As for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: having posted on this subject and the lack of search links then in the fullness of time I expect that Google will throw up this post when you search for "HP bright white inkjet paper and fellowes p-45c shredder" and fame and fortune will duly follow.

23-Feb-2011. NilAligned.Net wishes to apologize to Fellowes for missing spelling their name throughout this post and we have now corrected it.
