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Red-rumped parrots

by prudence on 19-Jun-2010
Meeting a pair of red-rumped parrots in a local park was the nicest thing that happened to me this week. Mr Parrot had a bright green head, shading to bright blue along the back, with yellow trousers, and a red patch on the lower back. Cool colour-scheme, huh? His little friend had gone for a more subtle look, opting for a sophisticated olive green. They made their way methodically across the grass, picking out nice stuff to eat. As they grazed, they made little chirrupy noises to each other. Very cute. They mate for life, apparently, so no doubt Mr Parrot isn't listening to a single chirrup his wife is saying. Nevertheless -- and yes, I know I'm anthropomorphizing -- they exuded contented companionship. I've missed parrots.